Thursday, December 20, 2012

To Lucille on Your Three Month Birthday

Lucille's 3rd Month

You continued to be an awesome baby this month- generally very happy and engaging. At this point you like to watch people from a far and are generous with your smiles, but don't always like to be held by people other than mama (this includes your daddy). I do love the fact that you want to be with me all of the time and that I can calm you down by just holding or talking to you. Your dad is amazed by my mama skills and the connection we have.

In addition to smiles, at the end of this the month you had your first laugh. I was actually talking on the phone with Auntie Christa and all of a sudden you started laughing like crazy. It just melted my heart to hear it. I can get you to do it on occasion, but look forward when you do it all them time.

It is such fun watching you take in the world around you.  I bought you a new play mat that you adore. In the beginning of the month you didn't know how to grab anything and by the end you were grabbing and pulling, kicking and swatting. Oh and drooling. This was the month of excessive drooling. I read that it was because you were now prone to putting everything in your mouth (you are) and it was a way for your body to keep the germs out.


I do try to switch it up, letting you have horizontal play time as well as vertical. It seems you like different kinds of toys depending on what position you are in.
Mr. Bird

We are still going for walks, but not as religiously due to the cold and early nightfall. Oh and the lack of sleep for me. I look forward to when we can go outside more again.

Bundled Up
Looking at the Change of Colors

You really started showing off your physical prowess this month. You went from a inert baby to one on the move. One day I heard Mr. Moose squeaking and I came in to find you turned sideways pummeling him with your feet. It cracked me up!

Your neck strength is slowly improving while laying on your stomach. We work at it each morning when you seem to have the most tolerance for it. I lay all kinds of objects in front of you to keep you interested. It rarely lasts more than five minutes before you get fussy.

Tummy Time

When vertical, your head/body control much improved this month. We switched from having to pick you up like a baby in cradle to being able to pass you around vertical. You love this new position as it allows you to check out your surroundings. You eventually get tired though and your head will slowly start drooping forward in slow motion which we think is quite funny.

Hanging with Dad

 I try to read to you while you are "seated" in front of me. You seem to enjoy seeing the pictures from this position best. You have yet to reach out for a book.

Book Time

This month was a major change for you. For the most part I no longer have to do an elaborate song and dance to get you to sleep at night. I started working with you during your naps. I would put you in the crib, give you a paci (which you may or may not take depending on your mood), tell you it was time to sleep, and sit next to you a few minutes talking nicely and gently patting you. While you were still awake I would do some stuff around your room and then leave you to fall asleep on your own. The first time this worked I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of you!!

This really helped during the night time feedings. I no longer had to walk on pins and needles when I put you in your crib after feeding you. Even if you woke up which wasn't often I only had to sit with you for a few minutes and you would usually go to sleep. I really really hope this doesn't change!

Sleeping with Green Bean

While your sleep has been good, mine has sucked. I started putting you down when you became sleepy in the evening around 6pm (it was 7pm but the time change screwed us up). Before I would keep you up until 10 or 11pm with you dozing in and out of crankiness which was majorly exhausting for me. You seemed happier for the change. I, on the other hand, was not. True,  I did enjoyed my evenings much more. I could eat dinner in peace, I could interact with your dad, I could take a shower!!! BUT,  the shift in schedule meant I had to get up on three different occasions - 11pm/midnight, 3/4am, 5/6am.

For normal people this would read as getting up one time, the 3/4 waking, but I like to sleep... a lot. Because I go to bed at 9pm and like to get up 7/8am, this means I get up three times a night which is mentally exhausting. I will be happy when this phase has passed!

In other news, you were a traveling star this month- you went on four planes and didn't cry once. You got to visit with your Korb grandparents, your Hendryx grandparents (and Fedorko/Weidl relations), and Papa Poffenbarger and I am happy to say you loved them all!

From Michigan your great Aunt Jamie, Uncle Al, cousin Katie came to visit as they were passing through on their way to south Florida for Thanksgiving. They brought Bronco (and Sarah) to visit with you. You weren't too impressed with the pups.


You also got to spend time with some other baby friends. We continued to meet with our neighborhood play group and the postpartum yoga kiddos, although both ended at the end of this month. We'll have to come up with more fun things to do to get us out of the house.

Wyatt and Lucille
Postpartum Yoga Class

Another big first got checked off the list-- your first movie! Once a month the theater offers a Mommy's Matinee where you can bring your kids guilt free. A sure to be classic, we went to see the final part of the Twilight Series. I brought your ear muffs to block some of the noise allowing you to sleep through most of it.

The Baby Brigade

Lucille at Three Months:

Three Month Stats
- Weight: Unknown
- Height: Uknown
- Head: Uknown
- Browner eyes, but I am not read to call it.
- Light brown-to blonde hair, still rocking the bald spot

- Look at things and study them intently
- Put everything in your mouth which led to...
- Drooling like a fool!
- More new noises, especially trilling
- Rocking the playmat and its toys
- Also like playing with mesh balls, blankets, green bean, and Mr. bunny from daddy
- Looks for mommy in the room
- Laughing!!!
-Nickname: mama girl, little mama

All of our love,
Momma and Daddy

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Preggo and Beyond Resources

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I was thinking that I had so many friends who were thinking of changing their DINK status, I should put together a list of my go-to preggo and post-pregnancy resources.

In doing so, I must first give a special shout out to Cami Dettmer who being the-queen-of-internet-sleuthing tipped me off to many of them.


  • BabyCenter - Useful for all kinds of pregnancy questions and "birth groups". I signed up for the weekly "fruit" updates which tells you how big your baby is (using fruit as the gauge) as well as other physical development.
  • Dr. Sears - Useful for all kinds of pregnancy and beyond questions with a focus on attachment parenting.
  • Lucie's List - Awesome website with a ton of information for new moms. This includes a comprehensive list of what to buy for baby. I recommend reading all of it!
  • Pinterest - Search terms include "pregnancy clothes", "baby", "nursery",  etc. I found a lot of great ideas from people who spend way more time on the internet than I do.
  • Pregnant Chicken - Really funny website (and blog) with a detailed list of typical pregnancy questions answered - can I go in a bouncy castle pregnant? You can find out here. I also enjoyed this one - Porn for Pregnant Ladies.

  • Pregnant Chicken - Sign up for the blog on the website to get the latest and greatest posts. It was a good laugh!
  • Lucie's List - Also has time-appropriate emails she sends out if you sign up for it.

  • The Business of Being Born -  An interesting look into giving birth in the US. Watch and make your own opinion. Free on Netflix. I believe there are new additions "What is a doula?" that have been recently added.

Post Preggo

  • Amazon Mom - If you are an Amazon fan check it out you can save money on frequent order of diapers, wipes, etc. Well worth it, especially for two-day shipping!
  • Apartment Therapy - Great website for nursery (and all things related) inspiration. I found some great ideas for small spaces.
  • Chic and Cheap Nursery - Great website for design ideas, whether for a nursery, shower, etc. You can signup for design idea updates.

  •  Ciao Bambino - a site/blog that "inspires families to travel the world". I found it has good travel tips for traveling with kids.
  •  Elefantic alegres - Great personal blog of a woman who just had a baby. You will have to search back to start from the beginning of her journey but it is well worth all of the clicking. She was most helpful in figuring out what baby items to buy and how to cloth diaper. Not to mention she is very quick witted and just plain fun to read.
  •  Rants From Mommyland - Funny blog about being a mom/family.

          There are sooo many books out there on parenting and children. So far my favorite two focus 
          on the different ways of raising children across cultures. I found they nicely demonstrated that
          there are many "right" ways of doing things.

  • How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm - "A tour of global practices that will inspire American parents to expand their horizons (and geographical borders) and learn that there’s more than one way to diaper a baby."
  • Bringing Up  Bebe - Another cross-cultural look into Parenting that I enjoyed, but some find judgmental.

  • The Happiest Baby on the Block video/book - Learn how to calm a colicky baby through the 5s.
  • National Geographic Science of Babies - examines the first 12 months of baby life, from simple breathing and eating to complex speech and movement.
  • TedTalks -There are a number of interesting podcasts that discuss the topic of babies. Check it out: 
Please share any resources you have in the Comments!


Monday, December 10, 2012

First Thanksgiving - Complete

December 1, 2012 - December 10, 2012

Two weeks after Lu's first flight we headed to Washington DC (actually just outside it in VA) to spend Thanksgiving with my dad, step mom, and her family. I had been telling Pearce about all of the Fedorko/Weidl activities for years and was stoked he was finally going to get to be a part of it!

Lincoln Memorial

3rd Flight

We woke up super early for our 7am flight. This time we had more baby stuff to cart along including a car seat. Luckily, Lisa had sent us a carrier bag that had wheels and could be stowed underneath the plane for free. We took advantage of this and shoved other items in it to get them to DC free of charge.

So Sleepy

Our plane trip was smooth sailing again. Lucille was content to sit in her sling for most of the ride and tolerated her new ear muffs which I bought to block out the flight attendants on the intercom. 

We arrived on Thanksgiving morning so Lucille got some good bonding time in with her Grandma Hendryx pre-dinner.

Grandma Peggy

The Sheep Says Baa
My Favorite Outfit of Hers

At dinner she had a special seat at the table which kept her a part of the action.

The next day the whole crew packed into two cars to go do a walking tour of some of the monuments. It was wonderful to be outside enjoying a gorgeous day. Lucille did great out and about with her Ergo carrier for the most part, but we did run into some minor difficulty nursing on the go as I forgot my sling at home. I *may have* had a boob pop out while I tried to get a drink of water from a water fountain while nursing her. What can you do? A girl has got to eat!

WWII Memorial
Out and About

Little did we know that our impromptu tour of the National Monuments was actually Lucille's first trip to a National Park. This was an exciting realization as we have a goal to go to every one of them.

National Mall Park Ranger

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out and having fun.

Grandpa Hendryx

We also had a special bonus visit from my good friend Angie who was in the Peace Corps with me. I believe Lucille enjoyed the visit. (and so did I!)


It was a wonderful weekend with family and friend. Lucille's first Thanksgiving was a success!

First Thanksgiving - an Attempted Blog

So I started the below blog on December 1st only to be rejected when I tried to upload a picture. Apparently, I maxed out the free space allotted to me. Whoops!

I am in the process of rectifying it and hope to be up and running shortly. Sorry for the delay!

December 1, 2012

Two weeks after Lu's first flight we headed to Washington DC (actually just outside it in VA) to spend Thanksgiving with my dad, step mom, and her family.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lucille's First Flight

November 15, 2012 (nine weeks old)

Our traveling girl had a major milestone this past weekend - her first flight!

Bag Man

On Friday afternoon we hopped on a quick flight to visit her Korb grandparents down in Jacksonville. It was a good first trip as it was only 45 minutes total.

I carried the precious cargo

Preoccupied with our new traveling companion, on boarding, we sat on the wrong side of the asile and so had to get up and move when the seat's owner showed up. What a rookie mistake!

My biggest concern about air travel was the change in air pressure hurting her ears so I made sure to feed her during takeoff and descent as it is supposed to help with ear pressure. It must have worked as there was not even a peep from the wee one.

While a happy camper on the plane, once we landed she turned cranky quick. This was due to the fact that we landed around the time she normally goes to sleep at home. Our usual soothing techniques (pacifier, rattle, finger) did not work for long and so we had to escalate to the emergency ones like my iphone farm animal app. We finally subdued her with some live coverage of football/NASCAR on Pearce's phone - Georgia girl she is.

There wasn't too much bonding to be had that night as our main goal was to get Lucille to bed as quickly as possible. In doing so, we quickly realized all the things that we would need for our next trip. Specifically items that helped create a soothing (and practical) sleep environment, like a a night light and noise machine.

Pearce and I made due by strategically turning on lights in various adjoining rooms that would allow me to see her when I got up to nurse, but not be too bright so as not to wake her. For white noise, Pearce used an app on his phone that replicated the air filter we use in our house.

For our next trip we plan on bringing her ITouch and docking station that changes colors. This should take care of both of these problems. In the meantime I have been retraining her to enjoy the sound of pouring rain so that way it is a pleasant sleeping experience for Pearce and me too.

Lucille slept awesome in the pack and play loaned out by Susan's good friend and grandmother extraordinaire Ellen. She woke up refreshed and ready to play with the grandparents. I think they were amazed about how much she has changed since they last saw her on her birthday.

Enjoying the nice weather

Playing with Mr. Peacock

 She had a really good time in her bouncer (also loaned by Ellen). Not sure if it was because of all the attention she got or the fact that it vibrates.

After we got some good playtime and a quick walk through the neighborhood (and a nap for Lu), we headed to the Beach Club to enjoy the wonderful weather. Lucille snoozed through the whole meal. She continued snoozing as her grandmother took her on a shopping spree to some local stores and of course Target!

Lunch at the Club

Towards the end of the day Susan and Andy humored me and we headed back to the beach to take a walk and so Lucille could "see" the ocean. It was not exactly how I imagined it in my head. The weather had turned cloudy, windy, and cold. While Lucille did get to see it, it was too cold to dip her toes in it.

I love it that she is looking at the camera!
Snuggle Bug

That evening we put Lucille down to sleep so the adults could have some fun. Andy brought out his personal Craps "table" and taught me the rules. It was great fun, and while I don't understand all the rules (or at least the math involved) I look forward to playing during our next Vegas visit.

Sadly we had to head home on Sunday, but our trip down in JAX was fun while it lasted!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1st attempt at blogging by phone

Hair(less) Show by Lucille
(all pieces were made by my bonus sister Lisa Innis)

Lucille had a few more styles to show off, but ran out of patience.

Now I'll need are outfits cute enough to coordinate!