Monday, October 15, 2012

Part I: From Theory to Practice - Labor and Delivery

Part 1: Our Plans for L & D

Please note that this blog entry is a personal reflection on how Pearce and I approached the birth of our first child. It is not meant to be a commentary on "how one should give birth", only what we believed would work best for us and our goals in an ideal world.

With that being said, for all of you who have not given birth but plan to, I hope this helps. 

Labor was the one part of pregnancy I (and Pearce) did a lot of reading up on. Being that it would be the most physically demanding thing I ever did I wanted to really educate myself on the process. I read a lot of different books and websites, but my favorites by far were Dr. Sears book, The Birth Book: Everything you Need to Know to have a Safe and Satisfying Birth and Ina May Gaskin's , "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth."

Both were very comprehensive making us realize how much we did not know about the whole process of giving birth in the U.S. - effacement-wahh??, cervadil - who?? In addition, both really shifted my impression of giving birth from one of fear to one of empowerment. Birth did not have to be a miserable experience, hard yes, but also fulfilling.

So while originally wanting a hospital delivery with an OB, after learning more about the process we decided that we should switch things up. We changed to the midwife in our practice in order to better meet our new goals of a low intervention, natural birth. This seemed to be the perfect compromise at the time. She was trained to help women cope with labor sans drugs, but we were still in a hospital if anything went wrong. Wunderbar!

We also felt it was important to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically- much like I would do while training for a half marathon. I exercised throughout my pregnancy including bi-weekly trips to the YMCA to do water aerobics with the older black church ladies (they loved giving me tips on pregnancy) and walking at least three miles four days of the week. My glutes were quite impressive towards the end having to push my extra 40 pounds up the hills of our neighborhood.

I also went to a prenatal yoga class at the aptly named Pierce Yoga. This was extremely helpful as I learned yoga moves/breathing that I could use during labor. More importantly we listened to a labor letter at the end of every class from past students. This was especially helpful to hear how variable one's labor experience could be and how others coped with unexpected realities.

As a couple Pearce and I headed to an intensive labor and delivery class called Confident Childbirth that focused on a number of techniques (Bradely, aka husband coached birth, breathing, massage, etc.) Having done a ton of reading by this point we didn't really learn too much new stuff but it was a nice reinforcement of what we had a learned and an overall confidence builder (I guess they were true to their word).

We debated on getting a doula for our labor and decided that Pearce could take on those responsibilities. For those who don't know (because we sure didn't) a doula is a nonmedical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, as well as her partner and/or family by providing information, physical assistance, and emotional support. As part of this role, Pearce put together a comprhensive labor kit including:

-Tennis balls in a sock for massage
-Inspirational messages on notecards to boost my confidence and lift my spirits
-Aromatheraphy kit for different stages of labor -ex: clary sage will help boost a stalled labor
-Hot packs/cold packs
-Three types of labor playlists
- Squeeze balls

Lastly, per the reccomendation of our midwife we came up with our birth plan. This document is meant to help guide the staff of the hospital and/or doctor on call to provide them with your pereferred delivery style. This is of course with the understanding that plans don't always go as anticipated as you will see in Part II of our labor and delivery journey.

Thinking it may help those who have yet to gone down this path, I have included a copy of our birthplan below. I, of course, also have really elaborate Excel files from all stages of my pregnancy (from gift registry to hospital bags) that I am willing to share with anyone who is interested.

Birth Plan for Allyson and Pearce Korb

Baby due August 19, 2012                 Hospital – Piedmont Hospital

Midwife – Judith Cox*                            OBGYN – Dr. Mimi Vanoyan              

We have chosen Piedmont Hospital for our natural childbirth due to the supportive environment that they provide in trying to reach this goal. We trust that our practitioner/support team will seek out our opinion concerning all of the issues directly affecting our birth before deviating from our plan.

*Judith, if on-call, will be delivering our baby.


Vaginal Exams
ü   We prefer minimal internal vaginal exams or at our request only.
ü   Please obtain our permission before stripping Allyson’s membranes during a vaginal exam.

ü   As long as the baby and Allyson are healthy, we would like to go at least 10 days over our due date before inducing labor.
ü   If induction becomes medically necessary, we would like to try natural induction techniques first (with the guidance of our practitioner)
ü   Natural induction techniques we would like to try:
 o     Walking
 o     Sex
 o     Castor Oil
 o     Acupuncture

Labor and Delivery- General

Labor Goal
ü   We would like to have a natural childbirth if possible. We have prepared for this birth with:
 o     Breathing techniques
 o     Bradley techniques
 o     Childbirth Meditation
 o     Yoga/exercise

Pain Relief
ü   Please only offer pain medications if Allyson asks for them.
ü   Allyson is prepared to try to handle pain with these natural and alternative methods:
 o     Breathing techniques
 o     Changing positions
 o     Visual imaging work
 o     Distraction techniques
 o     Massage
 o     Aromatherapy
 o     Bath/shower

ü   We prefer the baby to be monitored with an ultrasound/doppler on an intermittent basis.

ü   Allyson would like to wear her own clothes during labor and delivery.
ü   We (or a trusted friend) would like to be able to take pictures/video tape during our birth.
ü   We would like to discuss the option of early discharge.

Room Environment

ü   If possible, we prefer to give birth in a room with a:

 o     Shower/bath
 o     Birthing bed
 o     Birthing ball
 o     Squatting bar
 o     TV
 o     mirror

ü   We would like to be able to dim the lights.
ü   We would like to play music.
ü   We would like for people entering the room to speak softly (or otherwise respect the atmosphere of the room).
ü   Please always keep our door closed while we are in labor.

ü   Upon arrival at the hospital, we (Allyson and Pearce) prefer to be together at all times.
ü   Please, no residents or students attending our birth.
ü   Please ask Pearce if it is okay to allow visitors in the room before, during, and after labor.

Early Labor

ü   It is our goal to spend the majority of early labor at home.
ü   We plan on coming to the hospital when our contractions reach the 4-1-1 pattern.

Active Labor
ü   Ideally, we want to be able to walk around and move while in labor.
ü   Allyson would like to be encouraged to try the following different positions for labor:
 o     Squatting
 o     Hands and knees
 o     Standing upright
 o     Whatever feels right at the time
 o     Classic semi-recline
 o     On the toilet
 o     Side Lying

ü   Allyson would like to feel unrestricted in accessing any sounds of chanting, grunting, or moaning during labor.

Second Stage of Labor - Pushing

ü   As long as the baby and Allyson are healthy, we prefer to have no time limits on pushing.
ü   Allyson prefers to have no episiotomy and risk tearing, unless there is a medical emergency.
ü   To help prevent Allyson from tearing, please coach her to breath properly for slower crowning. Also, if possible, she would appreciate a warm compress to help prevent tearing.
ü   If possible, Pearce would like to cut the cord.

Third Stage of Labor

After the Baby is Born
ü   As long as our baby is healthy, we would like our baby placed immediately (skin-to-skin) on Allyson’s abdomen/chest with a warm blanket over her.
ü   Please delay all essential routine procedures (i.e., bathing) on our baby until after the bonding and breastfeeding period (Approx 2 hours).
ü   We would appreciate breastfeeding support immediately after birth if possible.

ü   Please wait for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is clamped.
ü   We would prefer for the placenta to be born spontaneously without the use of Pitocin, and/or controlled traction on the umbilical cord.

Newborn Procedures
ü   We would prefer the baby be bathed after breastfeeding and bonding has occurred.
ü   If the baby has any problems, we would like Pearce to be present with the baby at all times, if possible.
ü   We would like to DECLINE the following interventions:
o     Cord clamping (until the cord has stopped pulsing)
o     Silver Nitrate or Antibiotic Eye Ointment
o     Hep B Vaccine (this will be done a few weeks after birth) with pediatrician
o     Vitamin K - Injection

ü   We would like to ACCEPT the following interventions:
 o     PKU test
 o     Vitamin K – Oral
 o     Hearing Test
 o     Newborn metabolic screening
 o     Please place my baby on pulse oximetry after 24 hours of life to rule out any obvious heart conditions present at that time, as recommended by the federal government, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association.

Newborn Care
ü   Our baby is to be exclusively breastfed.
ü   Allyson would like to see a lactation consultant as soon as possible for further recommendations and guidance.
ü   Do not offer our baby the following without our consent:
 o     Formula
 o     Pacifiers
 o     Any artificial nipples
 o     Sugar water
ü   We would like our baby to room-in with us to help with bonding/breastfeeding.

Caesarean (Emergencies Only)

ü   We will only consider a c-section out of medical necessity.
ü   Ideally, Allyson would like to remain conscious during the procedure.
ü   Pearce is to be present at all times during the c-section.
ü   Allyson prefers a low transverse incision on my abdomen and uterus.
ü   Allyson prefers to have a hand free to touch the baby.
ü   Please respect our wishes to be quiet during the operation (e.g., avoiding "small talk" with other practitioners in the room).
ü   If our baby is healthy, Allyson would like to hold our baby and nurse her immediately in recovery.
ü   As long as our baby is healthy, we would like Pearce to be the baby's constant source of attention until we are free to bond with her (i.e., holding, skin-to-skin contact, etc.).
ü   Allyson would like to have her catheter and IV removed ASAP (within 24 hours) after her recovery period.
ü   Please discuss post-operative pain medication options with Allyson before or immediately following the procedure.
ü   We would like to sign any waivers necessary to permit us to be with our baby in recovery.

Allyson Korb (Mother)  __________________________________Date_____________

             Pearce Korb (Father) 
                    __________________________________ Date_____________



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