Sunday, March 17, 2013

To Lucille on Your Six Months Birthday

Happy halfsies to you baby!

Lucille at 6 Months

Upset face

 Six months have come and gone in the blink of an eye. At this point in many ways you are already leaning more towards toddler hood. You sit, you stand, you roll. And the a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. Woo wee little mama, you officially have an opinion on things and will express it. I have had to institute the distraction methods I learned as a nanny to keep you satisfied. We had glimpses of this earlier on, but it is nothing compared to what you dish out now. I have a feeling I will be saying that again!

Sleepy girl

This was a big month for you for two reasons. The first being SLEEP! We had re-instituted the cry it out method we tried when you turned four months, but were more committed to it this time around. The first night you cried for 15 minutes and then waited another 15 minutes before crying for another 45 minutes. It was painful, but at that point I was sooooooooo over not getting sleep I was willing to stick to it! The next day you slept from 8:00pm to 6:30am and continued to do so for about a week until you were up to your old tricks again. This time we didn't give up and pushed through and so for the most part you have been sleeping through the night. And now with the time change you go to bed around 8:15pm and wake up between 5 and 6am for a feeding and then sleep until 8 or 9am. I really hope you keep this up!!!

Carrot Finger
The next big thing this month was you started eating food! We are trying Baby-led Weaning approach which basically means we stick a variety of "real" food in front of you and you pick and choose what you want. In the first few months you really just explore the tastes and textures and then spit most of it out. Some bits do get by as evidenced by your diaper. You have had a few gagging spells when something creeps to far back in your mouth for your liking.

When we put you in your seat you get really excited, partly because you sit between your dad and I at the counter top. Your favorite foods so far are tomatoes, broccoli, and oatmeal cereal, although you don't really seem to dislike anything except for maybe bananas. So far you have tried (but not necessarily eaten) strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, banana, oranges, peach, mango, tomatoes,red/green/ yellow pepper, broccoli, carrots, onions, mushrooms, cucumber, bread, tortilla, linguine pasta, brown rice, oatmeal cereal, rice cereal, chicken, salmon, and egg. I am sure I have missed something.


Reading Books while Standing

Everything else is going great - you are still a long, lean machine who is smiley for most of the day. You can support yourself pretty easily while standing, have already started "walking" with a proper gait while holding onto my hands, and can almost pull yourself up from seated.

Sitting in the crib

Additionally, you can sit on your own for much longer, although you still tip over and cry when you bump your head. Its only a matter of time before you really get the hang of it!
At the Park

You take advantage of tummy time to move all over your mat and at this point you can do pushups, one armed support to look around, and can even scootch backward across the floor.  You also are able to roll your fingers individually on your hand which your doctor was quite impressed with!Can't wait to see what the next month has in store for you! We are having such a great time watching you as you learn and grow!

Family Nap

Lucille at Six Months:

Six Month Stats
- Weight: 15 lb 10 oz - 38 percentile
- Height:  27.63 inches - 97 percentile
- Head:     17 inches - 75 percentile
- Hair: Light brown and growing straight up & starting to show a kink

-Roll from back to belly (you still refuse to roll the other way although you can do it)
-You put your feet in your mouth
-Sleep on your belly (you roll over sometime throughout the night)
-Sitting on my hip with the support of the sling
-Nicknames include little momma, baby

Love to you little mama,

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