Monday, June 10, 2013

To Lucille on your Nine Month Birthday

This past month was awesome- no one was sick, you decided to start sleeping later in the morning (which made for a happier mama), and you had all kinds of fun developmental stuff going on.

Goose Lake

This past month we got a nice schedule going. We would get up by 8am, I would nurse you, and then go for a walk. Most of the time we go through Lullwater Park where the President of Emory's house is.

Its been really interesting to watch how over time you are aware of more and more of your surroundings during our walks. You love checking out the geese, the squirrels, and the waterfalls. Dogs are especially exciting!

Chilaxing in your stroller

You also have gotten more brazen in your stroller (since I don't buckle you in). Bored with facing forwards, you sit sideways and sometimes even backwards. I'm waiting for the day you figure out how to slide out and under and then we'll have to start strapping you in!

Once home from the walk we have breakfast. Your current favorite is french toast and you continue to love berries. Afterwards you usually watch your sign language video and then head down for a nap. We had a spell where you were sleeping for two hours, but that has since passed. When you wake up we play a bit and then usually get out of the house either to do some errands or have some fun.

This month we had a few playdates with Reese.

Reese checking out your paci

We had some pool time.

Daddy pool time
Thanks for the suit Emme

And we tried out Piedmont Park's fountain where you enjoyed watching the other kids play in the water. You splashed for a little bit, but I think you were a little bit overwhelmed!

Watching from the sidelines.

Lots of growth happened this month too - both in size and skills. You are filling out our 12 months clothes already and I got you your first pair of shoes - a pair of hiking shoes (Keens) of course!

Your biggest achievement this month was your ability to cruise. Within this past month you figured out how to pull or push yourself up to standing and then walk around holding on to the couch, the wall, chair, ottoman or basically anything you could grab on to.

Sometimes you wouldn't even need your hands, but would use your head, belly, or whatever you could to do what you wanted. By the end of the month we had to watch you like a hawk because you could move so quickly from point A to point B in no time. In fact, you have only gotten better at crawling because it gets you to something you can use to pull yourself up on to stand.

This month you also started using sippy cups and were instantly a pro! You can use spout cups, but your favorite kind is your one from Emme with the straw. You love to flick the straw and make water fly everywhere.

This month you also started using your potty. I would put you on it when you were showing the signs of needing to go and give you a toy to play with. You would sit there for awhile and most of the time you would eventually go. I don't think you really have connected the two, or even realize you are going to the bathroom, but you don't seem to mind sitting on it and hanging out. It has been awesome from a cloth diaper standpoint.

You are super inquisitive so many times you look very serious. You study things intensely - its almost like we can see the wheel turning in your head. "Ahhh, so this is how it works!" At the same time you will give out smiles freely when people smile at you and you have even started to give out kisses when I prompt you. You also really like laughing when mommy and daddy play silly games.

At the very end of this month you also officially started getting your two top front teeth. I think we had a little more cranks from you when they were moving down during the day, but you seemed to be okay at night which we count as a win!

It was such a wonderful month- I look forward to what next month brings. Perhaps walking?!?

Lucille at Nine Months

Nine Month Stats
- Weight:  18 lb 4 oz - 52 percentile
- Height:   28 1/2 " - 82 percentile
- Head:     17 3/8 " - 60 percentile (not sure if this one was     
- Brown eyes
- More hair, getting darker, and if its humid it starts frizzing

- Furrowed brow just like your daddy when concentrating
- Crying when startled or when another baby is        
- Whining when I walk away from you
- Don't smile as easily with strangers
- Walking along/around the couch and other furniture
- Pushing up to downward facing dog from your
                                                                  belly/crawling on mommy
                                                                 - Pulling yourself up
                                                                 -Not interested in the pacifier
                                                                 - Likes pulling toys out of basket
                                                                 - Clasping your hands together/shaking your own hand
                                                                 - Nickname: baby, little lady, Lu Bear, grumpus

I just love you so much baby bear!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

To the Smokies!

My First Mother's Day

It is going to be hard to top my first Mother's Day, although it had a rocky start. Throwing caution to the wind (and the weather forecasts) we packed up the car on Friday to head off to the Smokies for a camping trip. We didn't get very far. Just down the road from our house we realized that by the time we got there it would be dark. There was no way we wanted to set up a tent in the dark, especially with little Lu in tow. So we turned around went home and unpacked the car because the weather was supposed to turn the next day and we figured we missed our chance.

Sleepy Girl

Fortunately, the next morning we woke up to sunny skies so we repacked the car and headed off again. The drive up was beautiful. I always forget how much I love it up in the mountains. As we got closer to our destination it started to sprinkle and by the time we got to our camp 6+ hours later it was a drizzle. We put Lucille in a little canopy tent we had and got to work setting up camp.

They don't call them the Smokies for nothing!

After getting the tent and picnic shelter set up we headed into the nearby town to get some dinner. We ate some good southern food at a little place called Miss Lily's Cafe. Lucille seemed to really enjoy the bbq pork, but was a bit cranky because it was her bedtime. So we headed back to the camp and were in bed together by 9pm (lucille slept in between Pearce and I).

The next morning we got an early start to see Cades Cove Loop road which is known for its historic buidlings as well as animals. Pearce and I saw lots of deer and wild turkey.



We even saw a coyote and one bear off in the distance. Lucille slept through the two hour drive. Afterwards we decided to head to the closest Walmart to pick up some blankets for extra warmth as the first night was a bit nippy.

We got back to the campground and did a short hike within the campgrounds. Lucille wasn't to enthused with her carrier so I carried her for a bit (okay almost the whole time).

Where are you taking me!?

Hands on Learning

"I want mommy!"

 After the hike, we took at some lunch and then relaxed at our campsite the rest of that afternoon.



"Give me some Dadda"

Late afternoon we headed out again in hopes to see more animals on the Loop. That we did, and even better, this time around Lucille got to see them too. She sat on my lap this time around (you go like 2 mph) which she thought was just awesome. I am not sure if she enjoyed the horses or the inside of the car more! That time around we ended up seeing four big bears and three cubs in all.

Up close and personal

looking outside

On our way back to camp we stopped to pick up some S'mores, hotdogs, and logs for a campfire bbq. It was lots of fun to stay up and see all the stars (and Pearce enjoyed using his star gazer App.)

Lucille's First Campfire

That night was really really really cold. I actually wondered if I should go sit in the car with Lucille (who seemed to be the only one who was warm with her multiple layers and fuzzy hat). We realized in the morning that the tent door had accidentally been left up which made it extra chilly.


Despite the cold, we had a most outstanding time and were really impressed with how well Lucille handled everything! Best. Mother's Day. Ever!

Hiking Girl

The weather is FINALLY starting to change. Praise. The. Lord. I am so excited to make going outside a part of our daily routine.

As such, I decided to take advantage of one of the nicer days and go for a mini-hike with Lucille. I had noticed a number of trails leading off from the paved path in the park near our house breaking in her hiking carrier I got off Craig's list.


Getting Ready

Checking herself out
Hey there!

Entering the backside of Lullwater
Mushrooms on a log

Taking a Break

Close up

"We have to leave already?!"